Exploring the Depths: Educational Activities for National Caves and Karst Day on June 6th

Exploring the Depths: Educational Activities for National Caves and Karst Day on June 6th

June 6th is a day dedicated to celebrating the wonders of caves and karst landscapes. From fascinating geological formations to unique ecosystems, there's so much to discover underground. Let's embark on an educational journey with activities across various subjects to commemorate National Caves and Karst Day!

Language Arts

Make a List

Gather a selection of age-appropriate non-fiction books about exploring caves. Have students gather information about what cavers need to explore caves safely. After researching cave safety, have students create a checklist of safety guidelines and equipment needed when exploring a cave. 

Cave Poetry

Encourage students to write poems inspired by caves and caverns. Provide different types of poetry templates, such as acrostic poems, haikus, or free verse, for students to express their thoughts and feelings about caves creatively.

Books About Caves

Cave Sleuths by Laurie Lindop 

Exploring Caves : Journeys Into the Earth by Nancy Holler Aulenbach and Hazel A. Barton 

The Secret Cave : Discovering Lascaux by Emily Arnold McCully 


Cave Conversions

Challenge students with mathematical problems related to cave exploration and measurement. For example, they can convert measurements between different units (e.g., feet to meters) or calculate the volume of a cave chamber based on its dimensions. This activity reinforces math skills while applying them to real-world scenarios.

Cave Mapping Coordinates

Give students a map of a cave system with grid coordinates marking different points of interest. Students practice plotting and reading coordinates on the map to locate specific areas within the cave.

Temperature Fluctuations Graphing

Provide students with temperature data collected from inside a cave over several days or weeks. Students create line graphs to represent the temperature fluctuations over time, practicing graphing skills and interpreting trends.

Cave Expedition Distance Travelled:

Describe a cave exploration journey with multiple stops and distances between each point of interest. Students calculate the total distance travelled by adding up the distances between each stop, reinforcing addition and measurement skills.


Karst Landform Models

Invite students to create models of karst landscapes, complete with limestone formations, sinkholes, and underground rivers. They can research the formation processes and ecological significance of karst features, then design and construct their models using craft materials. This hands-on activity promotes scientific inquiry and understanding of Earth's geology.

Social Studies

Cave Exploration History

Explore the history of cave exploration and the role of caves in human culture. Students can research famous caves around the world and learn about notable explorers and archaeological discoveries. They can also investigate how caves have been used by ancient civilizations for shelter, religious rituals, and artistic expression.


Cave Art Reproductions

Inspire creativity with a cave art reproduction project. Students can study prehistoric cave paintings from sites like Lascaux or Altamira, then choose a design to recreate using art supplies such as charcoal, pastels, or paints. This activity connects art to history and anthropology while fostering appreciation for ancient cultures.

Physical Education 

Cave Exploration Fitness

Simulate cave exploration with a physical education obstacle course or fitness challenge. Set up stations representing different cave features, such as narrow passages, rocky terrain, and steep climbs. Students can navigate the course while practicing agility, balance, and coordination, promoting physical fitness in a fun and adventurous way.

I've created a couple worksheets suitable for 2nd-grade students to celebrate this day. Check them out here.

National Caves and Karst Day offers a golden opportunity to ignite curiosity, spark creativity, and deepen understanding across a range of subjects. By engaging in educational activities that explore the marvels of caves and karst landscapes, students can gain a greater appreciation for the natural world and the wonders that lie beneath the surface. Let's celebrate this day with enthusiasm and a spirit of exploration!

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Check out activity ideas for more unofficial holidays in June here:

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