Celebrate Pigeon Appreciation Day on June 13th with Fun Educational Activities!

Celebrate Pigeon Appreciation Day on June 13th with Fun Educational Activities!

June 13th is Pigeon Appreciation Day, a perfect time to celebrate and learn about these fascinating and often misunderstood birds. Pigeons have a rich history and play important roles in both nature and human culture. Here are some fun and educational activities to help students appreciate pigeons across various subjects.

Language Arts

Pigeon Storytelling

Encourage students to write a short story or poem from the perspective of a pigeon. They can imagine what a day in the life of a city pigeon might be like, or write about a pigeon’s adventures flying around the world. This activity promotes creativity, narrative skills, and empathy.

Pigeon Dialogue Writing

Have students write a short dialogue between two pigeons. They should imagine what pigeons might talk about while sitting on a rooftop or walking in a park. Encourage them to use quotation marks correctly and to make the conversation interesting. For example:

"Pigeon 1: Did you see that big crumb over there?"

"Pigeon 2: Yes! Let's go get it before the others do!”

Pigeon Poetry

Introduce students to simple acrostic poems. Have them write an acrostic poem using the word "PIGEON." Each line should start with a letter from the word and describe something about pigeons. For example:

P - Perching on buildings,

I - In the city they fly,

G - Gray feathers gleaming,

E - Eating crumbs nearby,

O - Often seen in parks,

N - Nests in hidden spots.

Pigeon Books

Perfect Pigeons by Katherine Battersby 

Homing Pigeons by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst

The Real Poop on Pigeons! by Kevin McCloskey

The Pigeon Needs a Bath! by Mo Willems


Pigeon Population Count

Create math problems based on pigeon populations. For example, if one city park has 75 pigeons and another has 58, how many pigeons are there in total? Or, if a pigeon eats about 30 grams of food per day, how much food would 10 pigeons eat in a week? This helps reinforce addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills.

Pigeon Number Line

Create a large number line on the floor or a long piece of paper. Place pigeon markers at different points on the number line. Ask students to skip-count by 5s or 10s using the pigeons as markers. For example, if a pigeon is at 10, the next pigeon could be at 15, then 20, and so on. This helps students practice their skip-counting and understand number sequences in a fun, interactive way.


Pigeon Biology and Behavior

Teach students about pigeon anatomy and behavior. Discuss how pigeons navigate using the Earth's magnetic field and their excellent homing abilities. You can create a simple experiment to demonstrate how pigeons find their way home. Students can also learn about the diet, habitats, and life cycle of pigeons.

Social Studies

Pigeons in History

Explore the historical significance of pigeons. Discuss how pigeons were used as messengers in wartime and their role in communication before modern technology. Students can research famous pigeons, such as Cher Ami, a World War I hero. This activity helps students understand the historical and cultural impact of pigeons.


Pigeon Portraits

Have students create pigeon-themed art. They can draw, paint, or craft pigeons using various materials. Encourage them to pay attention to the colors and patterns of pigeon feathers.

Physical Education

Pigeon Flight Game

Set up a relay race or obstacle course where students can pretend to be pigeons flying from one spot to another. Include activities that mimic flying, nesting, and scavenging for food. 


Pigeon Care and Hygiene

Discuss the importance of hygiene and care when it comes to interacting with pigeons. Teach students about safe practices for feeding and observing birds in parks and public spaces. Emphasize the importance of washing hands after touching animals or bird feeders.

Pigeon Appreciation Day Worksheets

I've created a couple worksheets suitable for 2nd-grade students to celebrate this day. Check them out here.

Pigeon Appreciation Day offers a unique opportunity to integrate various educational activities that highlight the significance of these remarkable birds. From storytelling and math problems to historical research and art projects, students can explore the world of pigeons in engaging and meaningful ways.

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Check out activity ideas for more unofficial holidays in June here:

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