**Exploring the Cosmos: Classroom Activities for Red Planet Day**

November 28: Red Planet Day

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As we gear up for November 28, get ready to embark on an interstellar adventure in celebration of Red Planet Day! This cosmic occasion provides a unique opportunity to blend astronomical wonders with engaging classroom activities. Here are some stellar and educational ideas to make your Red Planet Day celebration out of this world:

1. Planet Mars Research

Kickstart the day with a journey to the red planet. Have students dive into research on Mars, exploring its geography, climate, and significance in space exploration. This activity can promote digital literacy and research skills.

Book cover for "Mars! Earthlings Welcome" National Geographic Readers: Mars Packing for Mars for Kids

2. Math in Martian Measurements

Transform your classroom into mission control. Incorporate math skills by having students calculate distances, sizes, and temperatures related to Mars. It's an opportunity to apply mathematical concepts to real-world cosmic scenarios.

3. Mars Rover Design Challenge

Engage in a hands-on STEM activity. Task students with designing and building their own Mars rovers using everyday materials. This activity promotes creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork. For some inspiration you may want to read one of these books about Mars rovers to your students or have them available in the classroom for reference.

Book cover of "Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover" Book Cover for "The Mighty Mars Rovers: The Incredible Adventures of Spirit and Opportunity (Scientists in the Field)"

4. Martian Geological Exploration

Delve into the geology and geography of Mars. Discuss the planet's topography, including canyons, mountains, and valleys. This activity links geography with planetary exploration.

PlayShifu Interactive Science Kit - Orboot Mars (Globe + App) Explore Planet Mars | Educational Toys

5. Creative Writing: A Letter from Mars

Encourage creative expression. Have students pen down letters as if they were Martians, describing their imaginary life on the red planet. This exercise enhances descriptive writing skills.

6. Mars in Art

Blend art with astronomy. Provide art supplies and let students create Mars-inspired artwork, exploring their artistic interpretations of the planet's surface and features.

7. Comparing Planets: Mars vs. Earth

Turn the celebration into a comparative study. Explore the similarities and differences between Mars and Earth, touching on topics like gravity, atmosphere, and day length.

8. Space Science Documentary Viewing

Dive into the cosmos through documentaries. Select space science documentaries about Mars exploration and share them with the class, fostering an interest in space science.

9. Mars Rover Simulation

Bring the excitement of rover missions to your classroom. Use online simulators that replicate Mars rover exploration, allowing students to experience controlling a rover on the Martian surface.

10. Red Planet Vocabulary Building

Expand cosmic vocabulary. Introduce terms like Olympus Mons, Valles Marineris, and dust storms, enhancing language skills related to planetary exploration.

11. Future of Mars Exploration Discussion

Inspire curiosity about the future. Discuss upcoming Mars missions and potential human exploration, opening up discussions about the possibilities and challenges of Martian exploration.

WILD ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Mars Landing Survival Kit - Kids Plant Growing Terrarium Kit – Ages 8+ - Grow Food & Build an Earth-Like Environment on Mars - Seeds Included

Red Planet Day is not just about stargazing; it's an invitation to ignite curiosity about our cosmic neighbors. These activities aim to make the celebration both fun and educational for students.


When I was in high school I thought I might want to become and astronomer, so this day was really exciting to plan! Feel free to customize this content according to your preferences and classroom requirements. I plan on making a packet of resources to go along with this day. Leave a comment below if you want me to let you know when I've completed it!


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